

MasterPeace is the face and arms of all the peace movements, organizations, individuals that are working to build peace in the world in all community levels.
We differentiate ourselves from other peace movements because of the following reasons:
1. Bottom-up: MasterPeace is a bottom up peace initiative. Aiming to involve millions of people into peace-building.
2. Co-creative: We create peace together by facilitating connections between volunteers, entrepreneurs, artists, groups, companies and NGOs so everyone can invest their talents to the deliveries necessary to Create Peace. Together.
3. Peace-builders with music, art and (social) media: With a central role for music, art and (social) media, MasterPeace focuses on tangible, positive action, as we strongly believe peace-building is a verb.

4. Heartwarming: MasterPeace is the most heartwarming peace initiative ever because we choose to use music, art, social media and other connecting tools that mobilizes and unifies people

5. Just doing it: MasterPeacers create their own peace projects and do what they say.
6. Positive: MasterPeacers focus on the positive side of things and work towards a peaceful and positive ending of the conflicts around the world.
7. Passionate: MasterPeacers speak from their heart.
8. Energetic, enthusiastic & dynamic.

9. Inviting to become active: MasterPeace invites people around the world to take action to build peace through arts.
10. Non-violent: As a peace movement, MasterPeace believes it is important to abandon words of violence from every peace message.
11. Empowering: MasterPeace is a bottom-up organization, instead of working top-down and our focus is on positive, hopeful projects instead of on the conflicts.
Slogan/Pay off
MasterPeace uses the slogan: “MasterPeace. Creating peace. Together”, emphasizing togetherness (= coming together, but also: open, exchange of ideas, contact, dialogue) and creation (= collaborative and positive action, especially those with an artistic nature) as the key words for MasterPeace.
Core Message
The core message of MasterPeace is:
We are dedicated to put MUSIC above FIGHTING, DIALOGUE above JUDGEMENT, BREAD above BOMBS, and CREATION above DESTRUCTION.

Core Values of MasterPeace
The foundation of MasterPeace is built on four core values. These values are what we believe in and are what we stand for. Its the base of our existence and therefore the base of all our actions. These magnificent four are:

1. Positivity: MasterPeacers work with positive energy. We believe in positivity for solving conflicts. We emit positive energy and want to show that in all aspects of MasterPeace. Connectedness, dialogue, listening to others with attention and speaking from the heart. We believe this will help to overcome conflict.
2. Co-creation: The slogan “Creating peace. Together” means that we aim to work open, flexible and without judgment. We create together by connecting volunteers, entrepreneurs, artists, groups, companies and NGO´s by using our circles of deliv

(see attachment 1), social media, website and professional networking. We facilitate connections so everyone can invest their talents to the deliveries necessary to create peace together.

3. Ownership: We all have ownership over peace and therefore over MasterPeace. Peace is something we create together. MasterPeacers value ownership to honor responsibility & autonomy. We believe that trust and professionalism empower autonomy. All together we bring long term (sustainable) relationships to life.
4. Walk your talk: MasterPeacers do as they say. A promise, agreement or contract is held. That is what we stand for. And of course we don’t like to make mistakes but if we do, we talk about it. We believe in being transparent, honest and accountable. 
 By Isaac Waithaka